
Monday, January 30, 2023

Enter the Survival Horror

Caesar's Soundtrack of the Week

This week's:

Resident Evil - Code: Veronica

Fight your fears and survive...

This Friday will be the 23rd anniversary of Resident Evil - Code: Veronica. (and I'll be just as old as it 2 weeks after) 

Code: Veronica is a side game in the resident evil series, but is held in high regard amongst the games. It was the first Resident Evil game to use a real-time 3D environment instead of the series standard up to that point, pre-rendered backgrounds. 

Code: Veronica's soundtrack carries a different feel compared to past resident evil games. The theming of this game instead of American Horror was actually more European Gothic Horror in both its design and setting. This created a different kind of soundtrack as opposed to previous games, with this game's soundtrack being operatic in its design. The main theme of this game is strong throughout the entire soundtrack. This theme is titled "Berceuse" otherwise known as "Alexia's Lullaby". This haunting lullaby is sung/played by the twin villains of the game Alexia and Alfred Ashford. These two creepy twins are the primary villains of the game, especially Alexia who acts as the primary antagonist. 

The greatest pieces within the soundtrack are that of Alexia's battle themes. These operatic pieces are amazing and terrifying songs that portray the fearsome trial you face when battling Alexia in the game. To this day, Alexia's Final Boss Theme stands out among those of the Resident Evil games as well as boss themes in gaming. 

Other songs I would highlight from the soundtrack are "The Suspended Doll", "A Moment of Relief", "The Theme of Nosferatu", and "Lachrymal". 

I actually have yet to beat this resident evil game (the only one I haven't finished) due to it being difficult to find and the only of the original set of resident evil games to not have been re-released or remade (yet). The game was present in parts for the On-Rails game, Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles, which gave us remade songs of much of the game's soundtrack. 

There is talk of this being the next big Capcom project after Resident Evil 4 Remake (Coming out March 24th, 2023 ;) If you are able to get your hands on this game, I highly recommend it! It's one of the best horror games out there!

Until Next Time!
- Caesar Salad

Monday, January 23, 2023

Stay a While and Listen...

Caesar's Soundtrack of the Week

This week's entry:


Stay a while and listen, and I will tell you a story. A story of Dungeons and Dragons, of Orcs and Goblins, of Ghouls and Ghosts, of Kings and Quests, but most importantly -- of Wizards and Vamp- Well... A story of Wizards.

This was the intro to the satirical action-adventure game Magicka. The game is a multiplayer adventure game set within a rich fantasy world based on Norse Mythology (loosely based). The game is quite goofy and constantly is making fun of other media and also itself! 

The game was actually a student project made by 8 students at a college in Sweden! With the encouragement of their teachers and colleagues, they ended up turning it into a full game and after 2 years of development, put it on steam on January 25th, 2011. It sold over 200,000 copies in its first 17 days of sales. 

Within this game, for both being a student project and so goofy a genre, is an quite amazing orchestral soundtrack! Its music fits the theme of a fantasy game, and any battle theme screams epic fight! Their genre of music even will change depending on the scenario, as the game progresses as well as during its DLC story levels. It ranges from Fantasy/Bardic style music to modern, to Epic orchestral battle themes, to parodying Fortunate Son by Credence Clearwater Revival during the DLC: Magicka Vietnam.

This is one of my favorite multiplayer games. I've had so many laughs both between the story, playing with friends, and even accidentally using the spell Crash to Desktop (yes that's a real thing in the game). I highly recommend giving the soundtrack a listen and especially recommend trying the game out! 

Until next time!
- Caesar Salad

Monday, January 16, 2023

I am error...

"James's Soundtrack of the Week"

This week's entry:

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (Famicom Version)

Two days ago was the 36th Anniversary of this game so I thought I would bring it into the spotlight for a bit! 

Zelda II is one of the first entries in the Zelda series and honestly, game design-wise, was decades ahead of its time. The concepts used in the creation of this game are actually shockingly similar to that of the game Dark Souls! But game design later, music now! 

Zelda II's soundtrack has quite a range to it! Certain pieces almost feel like they are being played by a band of minstrels. Other songs show the darker nature of the game's tone. The version I linked is actually the Famicom version of the soundtrack which actually is different from that of the NES, with the Famicom being able to have more layers of sounds due to hardware differences.

One major difference is that of the Battle Themes which are entirely different songs altogether
(If you'd like to listen to the NES version which is a lot more upbeat: NES Version

Some of my personal favs from the soundtrack are Overworld, the Palace themes, and especially the Great Palace themes!

Until Next Time!
- Caesar Salad

One more thing! I want to shout out a composer named The Second Narrator on YouTube! He's currently going thru and creating orchestral arrangements of Zelda II's soundtrack! He's already finished the Title Theme, Overworld, and just last week posted the Battle Theme! I am linking the playlist of his arrangements below!

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link Orchestral Arrangement

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Journeys Live, but Stories Live On!

Welcome to Caesar's Soundtrack of the Week!

This week's entry:

Moon Hunters

Moon Hunters OST

Moon Hunters is a video game taking place in the land of Issaria, based upon that of Mesopotamian Culture. The music of this game is a melancholy bardic soundtrack, as each piece is another ballad telling the tales which you create as you play. 

The soundtrack was creatively made to give the feel of hearing songs in a foreign language, and so they created pieces with the vocals played backward, while the instruments are played forward. It creates a mystical feel to each song. 

The game is a co-op adventure indie game, that I highly recommend! Try it out with friends and write your own ballad!

Until next time!
- Caesar Salad

A small note! If you are interested in hearing what the vocal pieces in the soundtrack are like without the vocals being backward, Halina Heron, the vocalist has released the songs in an album of hers with the lyrics played regularly. I'll post it below as well!

Halina Heron's "Villages"

Monday, January 2, 2023

A New Year and a New Adventure!

Welcome to Caesar's Soundtrack of the Week!

This week's entry:

The Outer Wilds

This game is essentially described as an Open World Mystery game, where a solar system is trapped in an endless time loop! The soundtrack earned 3 different BAFTA awards for the game and its soundtrack!

The soundtrack you could almost describe as campfire songs in space. It's extremely pretty and I highly recommend giving it a try!

Until next time!

- Caesar Salad